The Project
The VRinHE project aims to build the capacities of Higher Education institutions and their staff, to integrate Virtual and Augmented Reality in teaching and learning.
VRinHE promotes a sustainable, digital transformation of the Higher Education sector by developing innovative methods, approaches and guidelines to increase the participation rates, improve the quality of Higher Education and foster university learners’ digital 21st century skills.

Aims and Objectives
Building the competences of academics, learning designers, and teaching staff in integrating VR/AR in the design and delivery of courses.
Developing a Toolkit, a training course, and a MOOC on integrating VR/AR in higher education.
Raising awareness on the need and value to integrate VR/AR in HE in close cooperation with all stakeholders involved, including universities, SMEs, policy makers.
Improving the supply of quality higher education opportunities for all.
Project Results
Four man project results are being developed in the VRinHE project. These tools will have a lasting and sustainable impact on the Higher Education sector in Europe.